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Vision & Mission & Values

Below you will se our Vision, Mission, Values and our strategic goals.


Being a non-governmental organization capable of creating value for its members, and establishing a web of transformational relationships to help the country improve.


Being a non-governmental organization which members derive proud from, invoke respect and admiration.


- Commitment to fundamental principles of our Republic

- Perception of our diversity as our prosperity

- Honest business

- Relationships that stand on principle and sincerity

- Commitment to collaborations

- Political impartiality

- Social responsibility


- Complete the corporate structure

- Ensure and improve effective communication, interaction and collaboration among our members

- Double our visibility in national media

- Increase the number of associations in Turkey to 75

- Ensure all members collaborate for a range of common goals

- Ensure that business relations with entrepreneurs from at least two neighbor countries are established

- Establish consortium among members to undertake at least one national and/or international project

© 2012 TUGİK | The Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey. All rights reserved.

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